Monday 28 May 2018

Top & Best Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers For Veterans || Wish You All Happy Memorial Day 2018

Memorial Day 2018 Poems & Prayers  -  "Words have tremendous power to conquer someone's mind and Poems are the best way to use words". Today in this post I am sharing memorial day poems & prayers 2018 for veterans. As recently I have posted here Memorial Day 2018 Thank You Soldiers Message & Quotes along with Memorial Day SMS 2018 on my other stuffs of memorial day 2018. today its the great time in the history of USA because its the day which touches the heart of any person who have even a single person of feeling for our nation. Memorial day is the most famous occasion which marks the beginning of the summer season. people celebrate memorial day with lots of fun and celebration activities like picnics, barbecues and special holiday to gather with family and friends.  

Memorial day is celebrated in United State Of America on the last Monday of the May. Many peoples have expressed the emotion of memorial day in their poems & poetry. today here we have bought for a collections of some inspirational & memorable memorial day poems and memorial day 2018 poetry for you. As Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr said in his Memorial day speech in 1884 at keen, that Memorial Day celebrates and solemnly reaffirms from year to year national act of faith & enthusiasm. Memorial day is more celebrated as a holiday than the glum occasion it was meant for. We must remember that the day means to honor of America's defense personnel who lost their lives in various wars. Though, people used to honor the graves of the war dead even before the Civil War, the National Memorial Day holiday, originally known as 'Decoration Day' was first observed on May 30, 1868.

 Happy Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers 2018-

Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers For Veterans
Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers For Veterans

Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers For Veterans
Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers For Veterans

Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers For Veterans
Memorial Day Poems, Poetry & Prayers

 An Irish Airman Foresees His Death - Best Poems Of Memorial Day 2018-

I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.
by William Butler Yeats
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

On the Eve of His Execution - Happy Memorial Day 2018 Poems

My prime of youth is but a frost of cares,
My feast of joy is but a dish of pain,
My crop of corn is but a field of tares,
And all my good is but vain hope of gain;
The day is past, and yet I saw no sun,
And now I live, and now my life is done.

My tale was heard and yet it was not told,
My fruit is fallen, yet my leaves are green,
My youth is spent and yet I am not old,
I saw the world and yet I was not seen;
My thread is cut and yet it is not spun,
And now I live and now my life is done.

I sought my death and found it in my womb,
I looked for life and found it was a shade,
I trod the earth and knew it was my tomb,
And now I die, and now I was but made;
My glass is full, and now my glass is run,
And now I live, and now my life is done.

by Chidiock Tichborne
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

Memorial Day 2018 Best Poems

We walked among the crosses
Where our fallen soldiers lay.
And listened to the bugle
As TAPS began to play.
The Chaplin led a prayer
We stood with heads bowed low.
And I thought of fallen comrades
I had known so long ago.
They came from every city
Across this fertile land.
That we might live in freedom.
They lie here 'neath the sand.
I felt a little guilty
My sacrifice was small.
I only lost a little time
But these men lost their all.
Now the services are over
For this Memorial Day.
To the names upon these crosses
I just want to say,
Thanks for what you've given
No one could ask for more.
May you rest with God in heaven
From now through evermore.
This Poem was composed by C W Johnson
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

Death of a Hero: Memorial Day 2018 Poetry

Clothes soaked with blood, and blood on his boots
As he breaths he gurgles blood
He lays in the shadow cast by a wall of stone
A million miles from home
Eyes wide with fright. His brothers by his side.
He quietly prays as he slowly dies
As blood drains from his body, color leaves his face
His blood waters the flowers in this God forsaken place
They hold him so he doesn’t die alone.
They hold him until they have to bag him and send him home.
Tears leave streaks down a dirty face
Sorrow and emptiness now takes his place
With the utmost care they zip up the big black bag
and wrap his body in an American flag.
A hero is going home.
This Poem was composed by Steve Carlsen
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

We Never Forget:  Brothers and Sisters at rest | Poems & Poetry Of Memorial Day 2018-

we never forget
the gift you give
we still receive
how could you know
so young
that your battle
at all cost
must be won
Brothers and Sisters at rest
may we, in your eyes
pass your test
and one day, with honor
join your ranks
Poem composed by Mitchell Browder
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

Honor Our Military - Memorial Day Prayers 2018

Let’s honor our military,
The men and women who serve,
Whose dedication to our country
Does not falter, halt or swerve.

Let’s respect them for their courage;
They’re ready to do what’s right
To keep America safe,
So we can sleep better at night.

Let’s support and defend our soldiers,
Whose hardships are brutal and cruel,
Whose discipline we can’t imagine,
Who follow each order and rule.

Here’s to those who choose to be warriors
And their helpers good and true;
They’re fighting for American values;
They’re fighting for me and you.
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

On This Memorial Day - Memorial Day Prayers 2018

Remember those who served before.
Remember those who are no more.
Remember those who serve today.
Remember them as we eat and play.
Remember our protectors-
who are not home today.
Remember them all on Memorial Day.

Somewhere Out There

Somewhere out there today,
In a land far, far away.
A soldier rides patrol,
Knowing not what may unfold.

He keeps watch, as he rides,
Over dangerous countryside.
Roadside bomb, could be hit.
Scary, by this soldier doesn’t quit.

Think about Mom and Dad,
About the good times had,
State-side, how long here?
Back to watching, a little fear.

This was a good day,
To think and to pray.
Strange, that prayer is so right,
When there could be a fire fight.

Wheel back into base,
Tomorrow, another ride to face.
Convoys done for the day,
Looks like rain’s on its way.

Nerve racking job but boring too,
But that’s what soldier’s do.
So many over here, none alike,
Who have gladly joined this fight.

Freedom has a high cost,
Lives given, the ultimate loss.
That cost they willingly give,
So freedom can continue to live.

So, we remember today,
All those who went away-
And gave their lives, that we,
Might live here and stay free.
God Bless America!
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

Remember Me: Poems & Poetry Of Memorial Day 2018

I was once the pride of this country,
The healthy, the young, the strong and brave,
Then I quickly became the acceptable casualty
In my country’s undeclared war
In the name of national interest,
A country where I was too young to vote!
I went because I was still too young
To know any better, though others
Cleverly refused or ran away to hide.
I never once dreamed my own government
Would ever lie to its own people,
But I was mistaken and they did for years.
I fought their war in a hell for one year,
Then came home and found another hell,
Awaiting from the very people and country
Who determined I go in the first place
Then their war, suddenly became mine,
And I was the convenient scapegoat!
Today, I am the broken bodies and minds
Shunted off, out of sight, behind heavy doors
Of VA hospitals and mental wards to die.
I am in wheel chairs and braces, in hospital beds;
I walk the streets; I wander the railroad tracks,
I sleep beneath the stars.
Poem composed by Curtis D Bennett.
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

Lights Out - Memorial Day Poems 2018

One hundred years on and still the shout
“Everyone put your lights out”
Just for an hour from 10 to 11
And remember all those souls in heaven

One hundred years and still the cry
The perennial unanswered question “why?”
Is there a need in this hour of deed
For any to ignore or not to heed?

One hundred years, millions dead
In battles, wars and streets of dread
Trenches then, now car bombs blast
Tearing at families left aghast

One hundred years – again LIGHTS OUT
Not one city but the country throughout
Is this too much to ask ourselves
For those who died through bayonet and shells?

Lights out and let us honour our dead
Light a single candle in room or shed
Remember those terse words upon us yet
“Lest we Forget – lest we forget!”
memorial day poems & Wishes 2018

well here I have collected best poems & prayers of memorial day 2018. I hope you have enjoyed reading this page. feel free to share this page with your friends, relatives and other near & dear ones.    


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